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Individual sessions

During individual sessions we will explore and discuss any issue that you might have such as anxiety, limiting beliefs, addictions, struggles in life etc..


I will listen to you, try to understand your unique perspective and how you feel. Together we will try to understand where these issues come from and work with all the so often neglected emotions and feelings associated with it so that you'll be able to move on and turn to the next page of your life. 

We will also understand how these problems are impacting your life and find out ways to resolve them in an healthy and permanent way.  â€‹


No matter what, I will be there for you to listen to you as long as you need and help you through whatever is happening in your life.

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Group sessions

In group sessions we sit together and learn how to healthily communicate with each other. We learn how to bring up difficult topics in a safe way without being scared to do so.


We will learn the importance of listening and how to see things from the other person's perspective, which in 99% of the cases will be an unimaginable surprise to you and far far away from what you thought initially.

I will try to give you some perspective on your issues and with some guidance we will go through them step by step.

This communication modality will help you discuss even the more heart felt topics in a safe and gentle way.


Relationships need communication much more than it is commonly thought to work and flourish and too often beautiful relationships end because of the inability to healthily discuss. 


Collaborative Group Sessions for Families and Relationships

Experience a unique opportunity to enhance communication and understanding with the people closest to you. In our group sessions, you and members of your family or those you're in a relationship with will gather at a metaphorical table, where you’ll learn how to truly listen, express yourselves, and connect on a deeper level.

At first, these conversations may feel unfamiliar or challenging, as many of us aren't accustomed to this level of open communication. However, with time and guidance, these sessions become an invaluable space where relationships can grow, flourish, or even shift direction in a meaningful way.

Did you know that in most relationships and families issues arise from an inadeguate communication?

How many times did you completely avoid to talk about something worried about the reaction that would come from the other side? In most cases, so many topics are simply avoided or just quickly dismissed because of bad communication. Truth to be told, most families or people involved in a relationship are unaware of this and believe that everything is fine. But is it really? Not having a discussion or an argument does not necessarily mean that there is no issue. Many times issues are just cast away and forgotten. People adapt to the problematic situation through unealthy coping strategies and just go on with their lives. On the other hand many beautiful relationships unnecessarily end because of a lack of proper communication. 

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